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Path: solon.com!not-for-mail
From: actuary@nando.net (Bill McCarthy)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c,comp.lang.c.moderated
Subject: Re: Integral promotion.
Date: 15 Feb 1996 09:34:19 -0600
Organization: News & Observer Public Access
Sender: clc@solutions.solon.com
Approved: clc@solutions.solon.com
Message-ID: <4fvjpr$enh@solutions.solon.com>
References: <4fstj7$2l6@solutions.solon.com>
Reply-To: actuary@nando.net (Bill McCarthy)
NNTP-Posting-Host: solutions.solon.com
X-Newsreader: IBM NewsReader/2 v1.2
In <4fstj7$2l6@solutions.solon.com>,
Rune Huseby <rune.huseby@gpi.telemax.no> writes:
:I got a problem understanding the rules on integral promotion in
:the C language:
:Consider the following function:
:short test(short x1, short x2);
:int main(void)
: short result;
: result = test(1, 2);
: return 0;
:short test(short x1, short x2)
: short result;
: result = x1 + x2; /* Warning: '=' : conversion from 'int '
: to 'short ', possible loss of data */
: return result;
:My compiler (Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0), automagically converts
:my short-parameters to int's, even though all variables involved
:are short. I know that the standard says that all arguments can
:be converted to the biggest 'type' of all the arguments, but is
:it correct that char's and short's always are promoted to int's,
:without regard to the other arguments in the expression?
No. Char's and int's will only be promoted to int's if an int can
represent all values of the original type. Otherwise they will
be promoted to unsigned int's. This process is called Integral
Promotion and is described in A6.1 of K&R II. You should read
the entire section A.6 Conversions (less than three pages) and
pay special attention to A6.5 Arithmetic Conversions, particu-
larly if you are switching between difference environments.
The rules of dealing with one operand a long and the other an
unsigned, differ depending on whether all values of an unsigned
call be represented by a long. They can be on most 16 bit
implementations (short=int=16-bit, long=32-bit), but cannot on
most 32 bit (short=16, int=long=32-bit).
:The reason I ask is that I am writing code that should be
:portable from a 16-bits environment (where short and int are the
:same size) to a 32-bits environment. (My 16-bits compiler does
:not complain about the code).
Since, as you state, short and int are the same size on your 16 bit
compiler, you can assign from signed int to signed short without
"possible loss of data."
Bill McCarthy
Wendell, NC USA